Reflection for October 6, 2024

The Gift of Pain

Pain is a common experience of all people. Jesus promised us that in this world we would have trouble, but not to lose heart because he has overcome the world! That is good news!

Pain in all its forms often makes us question the goodness of God, it is possibly the greatest hindrance that most people have in believing in a God that could allow such things to happen. But what if the purpose of pain is not what we thought it was? I do not say this without an understanding of the incredible amounts of pain many people have been through. And although I might not understand your personal situation we serve a God who does, and not only does he understand it, but he is available to walk through the pain with us, and ultimately turn it (if we well let him) into something good.

Talking points:

God leads us through pain to something beautiful;

God used death, the ultimate pain, to redeem creation;

Pain has both a physical and spiritual dimension as spiritual pain is a separation from God;

Jesus is the healer;

We have to seek God in pain, engage God rather than try to deal with it ourselves giving everything we have to the pursuit of God within us.

Scripture references:

Job 1 and 13; Psalms 6, 23, 27, and 139; Deuteronomy 31; Romans 38, 39.

With Love,

Josh Ross

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