The Word of Faith Which We Preach Romans 10:1-13 vv.1-2 He desires that all Israel (Jewish peoples) be SAVED cf John 3:16 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 Revelation chapters 6-18 Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 11 vv.3-8 Not by Works but by Righteousness thru faith in Christ we are saved Ephesians 2:8f Titus 3:5 Romans 3:23 6:23 and
Read MoreReflection from July 30, 2023
From the Darkness of a Cave to the Praise of God’s Glory Psalm 57 David finds himself in a cave, hiding from Saul, his pursuer. What is he feeling as he hides there in the darkness? What emotions do we feel when we are trapped in a life situation from which there seems to be
Read MoreReflection from July 23, 2023
Life of Conviction Last year I gave a short message at a church in downtown Barrie that I called “what if I stumble?” Originally I had wanted to speak on the subject of living a life of conviction and intentionality, because that had become my focus over the last year and a half. But something
Read MoreReflection from July 16, 2023
Hearing God’s Voice! Have you ever taken time to think about how many “voices” are clamouring for your attention? To mention but a few: the people around you, news media, advertisements, car horns, weather events, appetites (especially, your stomach!), music and the list goes on. We have five senses (sight, smelling...
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