Drinking at the springs of living water John 7:37-39 An overview of the Sunday message for the week. We encourage you to follow up on the scripture references included. Major points: If anyone thirsts let him/her come to me and drink Other favourite passages on the ministry and work of the Holy Spirit: Isaiah 12:3,
Read MoreReflection from June 19, 2022
I am with you always, to the end of the world. Matthew 28:20 God’s Word today is a promise from Jesus, to be with us forever. That’s a very serious promise! Sometimes people make promises to us, but for whatever reason, they can’t keep them. But the promise Jesus makes will never be broken, because
Read MoreReflection from June 12, 2022
Truth, Doubt, and Lies In the here and now, we face some serious challenges when discerning truth from untruth (also known as lies). Moreover, there is a great deal of doubt relating to authority, experts and governments—sometimes with good reason and other times with dubious reason. Social media news and opinion is a powerful...
Read MoreReflection from June 5, 2022
Acts 2:14Feast of Pentecost and Feast of WeeksExodus 34: 22-23Jesus tells his disciples 40 days before his ascension to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit they gathered there 10 days after his ascension which equals 50 days which is where Pentecost comes from.The day of Pentecost changed people , one example is
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