The message fro the Sunday service will be added within the next few days.
Read MoreMessage from September 12, 2021
The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:5-15 Verses 5-8 In these verses Jesus warns us about the dangers of religious formalism (repetitive prayer) when Jesus’ prayer is not really a prayer, or when it is more of a public performance (v.5) or of empty phrases strung together (v.7). Prayer that is genuinely offered to God is in
Read MoreMessage from September 5, 2021
Unashamed of the Gospel. Romans 1: 1-16 Paul – A Jew, Born in Tarsus in Cilicia, Educated in Jerusalem under Gamaliel, a pharisee and also the son of a pharisee, zealous for the OT law, converted on his way to Damascus where he had intended persecuting Christians, Filled with the Holy Spirit when Ananias prayed
Read MoreMessage from August 29, 2021
PAUL’S PRAYER FOR THE COLOSSIANS (AND PAUL’S EXPECTATIONS) COLOSSIANS 1:9-14 It is my privilege to share God’s word with you once again this morning. In our first service together in July I used a part of Colossians chapter 1 as the basis for my message. In that message I used the prayer of Paul for
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