How to keep your cool when there is trouble afoot. The book of Habakkuk is one of the so-called minor prophetic books in the Bible which more appropriately, should be called “short prophetic books” since there is nothing minor about the message that they deliver to the people of God.Habakkuk lived in about the same
Read MoreMessage from September 19
I’m In Training (in Truth) Texts: 1 Timothy 4:7-8 and 2 Timothy 3:14-17…1. Training is necessary in life pursuits i.e.: job, school, athletics Many modern pagans would have us believe with Pilate (John 18:38) that there is no concrete Truth today…Truth is shifting/changing and is whatever they now decide it will be Hence the downward
Read MoreMessage from September 19, 2021
The message fro the Sunday service will be added within the next few days.
Read MoreMessage from September 12, 2021
The Lord’s Prayer Matthew 6:5-15 Verses 5-8 In these verses Jesus warns us about the dangers of religious formalism (repetitive prayer) when Jesus’ prayer is not really a prayer, or when it is more of a public performance (v.5) or of empty phrases strung together (v.7). Prayer that is genuinely offered to God is in
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