
Message for August 2, 2020

 3  Hurdles Joshua had to jump over. ss1. The Hurdle of Moses’s Mantle! Moses was an outstanding leader and a hard one for anyone to follow. He had an excellent track record with God and with the people. He had come a long way with the children of Israel and Joshua had the task of

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Message for July 26, 2020

The Software of the Soul If you took a computer apart, you would see all kinds of screws, lines of solder, strange little caps, wires etc. But to make the machine work properly you need something invisible— information! Information to program the machine and teach the wires how to function, information specific to a certain

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Message for July 19, 2020

Greetings Woodland Beach Community Church.  I miss being able to be there with you this year but I look forward to when I can join you in-person once again.   Although we are apart we have the same Holy Spirit able to apply God’s Word into our lives.  Both Matthew (17:14-21) and Mark (9:14-29) record the

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Message from July 5, 2020

Who would have thought back in March that we would still be as heavily impacted by the Corona virus and be looking online instead of gathering in the church for spiritual nourishment and encouragement.  Well here we are, and here you are reading this, and my prayer is that indeed you will be both nourished

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