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Message from July 11, 2021

A Working Relationship with God From the beginning of human history, God has been reaching out to his wayward children! In the Garden, after Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s directives and hid from him, God called out “Where are you?” Throughout Old Testament history, God uses leaders faithful to him and prophets to call people

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July 4 Re-opening

NEW BEGINNINGS – THE SUFFICIENCY OF JESUS COLOSSIANS 1:13-20, 28-29 I have been looking forward eagerly to the time we could gather here in person for the first time since Thanksgiving or Christmas 2019. And I looked forward to sharing with you, as we walk into what is being called a new beginning. It is

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Easter Sunday Message

Without the Lord Jesus Christ rising from the dead Christianity becomes a mere religious philosophy. However, the resurrection DID occur confirming Christ’s message of salvation and eternal life.Some proofs of His resurrection are: 1) The Old Testament section of the Bible prophesied it (Acts 10:43). For instance, 1,000 years before our...

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In Memory of Greg Armstrong

Please look up in the sky tonight.  There will be a new star shining so very brightly.   Pastor Greg Armstrong, the pastor at my Woodland Beach Community Church is now at peace in God’s arms.  Greg had a Faith as big as the sky, but he also had a kind heart, empathy, inspirational sermons, musical

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