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Message for October 4, 2020

I read just this morning in the theological reading I’ve begun again for the fall and winter on the subject of Truth . . . Pilate infamously asking “What is Truth?”. This is what many secularists ask today if even stopping to give a thought to the concept. Positively speaking, the concept of Truth in

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Message for September 27, 2020

Just a few days ago the calendar flipped and we went from summer to autumn. Before that happened I noticed leaves falling to the ground, and since that time we have had above normal temperatures. Autumn or fall is the time for leaves to start falling and temperatures to do the same; but there were

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Message for September 13, 2020

ATHEISTS CAN’T BE TOO CAREFUL! During the days in England, when it was popular to reject thesupernatural, poets wrote about creation but felt the Creator wasn’tinterested in what He’d made and scholars sought wisdom withoutbelieving in an all-wise God. God was, so they said, an absenteelandlord. If there is a God, He leaves us...

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Message for September 6, 2020

Luke 24;15 Jesus Himself drew near and went with them. For three years these two disciples had watched Jesus perform many miracles, teach crowds of people, and live a sinless life right before their eyes. With each passing year their hopes and expectations increased to the point that they were expecting Him to take the

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