Reflection for September 15, 2024

Welcome to each of you as we search God’s Word and fit together as part of His kingdom at Woodland Beach Community Church.

The Lord put on my heart to speak today about the priesthood of all believers and how that can be put into practice by believers in the local church.

First, I will share about the importance of understanding our identity as children of the living God and ambassadors of Christ in this world.

Secondly, I will share from 1 Peter 2:9-10 how each member of the body of Christ is a chosen people and a royal priest and that results in His people having a heavenly code of conduct in our lives towards everyone around us.

Finally, I want to share how we as Christ’s body have different roles in God’s kingdom. We each have a unique personality, different abilities, wonderful talents and God-given spiritual gifts. We compliment and fit together because God has made us to fit and function together where He has placed us in His body.

In His service,

Malcolm Ross

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